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Poker ToolsFebruary 2025

Best poker tools 2025: The ultimate guide to dominating online poker

We checked out 13 popular tools for online poker in 2025. Working well with PokerStars and GGPoker was super important for players like us.

Banner image for Best poker tools
Free trial available Trusted by experts Regular updates
Omaha & HoldemEstablished tools since 2006No-Limit, Limit, Pot-Limit
advanced preflop GTO calculatorknown tools for prosRegular updates & tutorials
Must-have for Holdem and OmahaHUDs and analysisMarketplace with regular updates
multi-table HUD for HM3Regular updates hotkeys and customization
Powerful HUDFree trial available Must-have for pros
Free to use Learn and improveNot allowed while on PokerStars
Good for beginners and prosFree version availableCustomisable and efficient
Live support and trainingAI-driven tool Supports Win, Mac, iOS, Android
Free trial version Accurate GTO calculations Simple to use
Free 21 day trial Trusted by pros Regular updates
High-end productSuited for pros and beginners4 & 5 Card PLOs
Range & Equity AnalysisSimple Interface Active since 2013

#1Logo of GTO WizardGTO Wizard ranked #1: Transform your poker game now

Free trial available Trusted by experts Regular updates
user-friendly designreal-time feedback10 million pre-solved solutionssteep learning curvelimited training scenarios

GTO Wizard is the top choice for advanced range analysis. Gives real-time assistance for making big game decisions. Works seamlessly with major online poker sites like PokerStars and GGPoker. We recommend GTO Wizard the most for Poker Tools. Also we have a super detailed GTO Wizard review and collected the best GTO Wizard promos.

#2Logo of Pokertracker 4PokerTracker 4 review: Why it's the #2 poker tracking software for poker mastery

Omaha & HoldemEstablished tools since 2006No-Limit, Limit, Pot-Limit
customizable hud for statsdetailed hand history trackingequity and icm calculatorssteep learning curvehigh cost for beginners

PokerTracker 4 is a poker tracking software that gives you an easy-to-use HUD for tracking stats live. Detailed hand history database for thorough post-game analysis. Works with well-known platforms like PokerStars and GGPoker.

#3Logo of ICMIZER 3ICMIZER 3 ranked #3: Boost your tournament strategy with ease

advanced preflop GTO calculatorknown tools for prosRegular updates & tutorials
user-friendly interfaceprecise icm calculationsadvanced training featureshigh subscription feesadvanced features hard

It’s known for assisting you in making better decisions with spot-on push/fold ranges. ICMIZER 3 is a valuable tool for enhancing your poker strategy. Easy-to-use interface that’s excellent for beginners and pros.

#4Logo of Holdem Manager 3Holdem Manager 3: Dominate online poker with advanced analytics

Must-have for Holdem and OmahaHUDs and analysisMarketplace with regular updates
customizable hud optionsadvanced hand review14-day free trialsteep learning curveperformance issues

Sure, please provide the takeaways you would like me to clean up. Holdem Manager 3 offers a free poker software trial for new users. Also check out our Holdem Manager 3 review, our list of Holdem Manager 3 alternatives and Holdem Manager 3 promos.

#5Logo of Table Ninja IITable Ninja II ranked #5: Boost your poker game with unmatched efficiency

multi-table HUD for HM3Regular updates hotkeys and customization
custom hotkey customizationefficient multitabling featuressupports pokerstars, ggpokerhigh cost for prolimited site support

Use adjustable hotkeys to make multi-tabling easier. Table Ninja II is compatible with various poker rooms, both online and live. Works with PokerStars and additional platforms. Automate repetitive actions to focus more on the game. Also check out our Table Ninja II review, our list of Table Ninja II alternatives and Table Ninja II promos.

#6Logo of Hand2NoteHand2Note ranked #6: The poker tool pros can't stop talking about

Powerful HUDFree trial available Must-have for pros
dynamic hud customizationadvanced statistical analysis24/7 responsive supportsteep learning curvehigh subscription costs

Works effortlessly with PokerStars and GGPoker for a smooth user experience. Also check out our Hand2Note review, our list of Hand2Note alternatives and Hand2Note promos.

#7Logo of EquilabPokerStrategy's Equilab: the game-changer for strategic mastery

Free to use Learn and improveNot allowed while on PokerStars
free poker equity calculatordetailed hand range analysismonte carlo simulationslimited mac compatibilityslow support responses

Equilab is a powerful tool for analyzing poker hands and calculating equity. The software provides a user-friendly interface for both beginners and advanced players. Equilab allows users to input specific hand ranges and board cards to calculate precise equity percentages. The tool supports various poker formats, including Texas Hold’em and Omaha. Also check out our PokerStrategy’s Equilab review, our list of PokerStrategy’s Equilab alternatives and PokerStrategy’s Equilab promos.

#8Logo of PioSOLVERPioSOLVER ranked #8: The poker solver changing the game

Good for beginners and prosFree version availableCustomisable and efficient
advanced gto solutionscustomizable simulationshigh-speed processingsteep learning curvehigh system requirements

PioSOLVER is great for giving advanced players intricate, customizable GTO simulations. Supports a wide range of evaluations to significantly enhance your gameplay. Also check out our PioSOLVER review, our list of PioSOLVER alternatives and PioSOLVER promos.

#9Logo of PokerSnowiePokerSnowie ranked #9: AI insights for winning strategies

Live support and trainingAI-driven tool Supports Win, Mac, iOS, Android
gto-based decision-making10-day free trialcustomizable ai strategiesglitches in calculationslimited guidance for beginners

PokerSnowie provides advanced poker training powered by AI. Gives thorough post-game analysis to help refine strategies. Works with PokerStars and GGPoker. Also check out our PokerSnowie review, our list of PokerSnowie alternatives and PokerSnowie promos.

#10Logo of Simple PostflopSimple GTO Trainer ranked #10: The hidden gem for serious players

Free trial version Accurate GTO calculations Simple to use
custom drills for 3-betsreal-time feedback on playsexpensive pro subscriptionoutdated user interfacelack of free trial

Simple GTO Trainer is excellent for advanced poker simulations for pros. Helps with thorough analysis for smart strategic choices. Gives immediate feedback to enhance gameplay. Also check out our Simple GTO Trainer review, our list of Simple GTO Trainer alternatives and Simple GTO Trainer promos.

#11Logo of PokerRanger 2PokerRanger 2 ranked #11: What makes it a standout choice

Free 21 day trial Trusted by pros Regular updates
range vs. range analysiscustomizable settings optionsinitial learning curvepotential bugssubscription model issues

PokerRanger 2 is great for range analysis and helps advanced players improve their strategy. Easy-to-use interface makes challenging equity calculations simple. Real-time decision-making assistance lets you make fast changes. Also check out our PokerRanger 2 review, our list of PokerRanger 2 alternatives and PokerRanger 2 promos.

#12Logo of Vision GTO TrainerVision GTO Trainer exposed: What top pros don't want you to know

High-end productSuited for pros and beginners4 & 5 Card PLOs
customizable training scenariosover 35,000 preloaded gto solutionssteep pricinghard for beginnerslimited scenario options

Vision GTO Trainer provides detailed GTO simulations for making smart decisions, perfect for advanced players who want to engage in thorough range analysis. Also check out our Vision GTO Trainer review, our list of Vision GTO Trainer alternatives and Vision GTO Trainer promos.

#13Logo of FlopzillaFlopzilla ranked #13: The poker tool changing the game

Range & Equity AnalysisSimple Interface Active since 2013
hand equity insightsspeedy range calculationslacks depth compared to gto+pro version pricing unclearlimited customer support options

Flopzilla is great for assessing poker hands and getting accurate evaluations. A visual interface makes equity calculations very easy. It's more economical than other advanced poker tools. Also check out our Flopzilla review, our list of Flopzilla alternatives and Flopzilla promos.

What are Poker Tools?

Poker tools are software applications or programs that help you improve your game, analyze your play and make data driven decisions. They can be as simple as an odds calculator or as complex as tracking software that gives you detailed stats and analysis. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro poker tools can be a game changer. They help you understand the game, identify areas to improve and get an edge in online poker. From equity calculators that show you the odds of winning a hand to advanced solvers that give you game theory optimal (GTO) strategies, poker tools are for anyone who wants to crush the online poker tables.

I sat alone in my quiet apartment and got into online poker. I quickly found out that winning wasn’t just about luck; I needed the best poker tools for every move.

Tools like:

  • ->GTO solvers
  • ->Hand analyzers
  • ->Tracking tools
  • ->Range viewers
  • ->Equity calculators

weren’t just nice to have; they were necessary. But some poker sites limit certain tools, especially the ones that do real time analysis. As I dug deeper I found out how these tools turned a simple game into a winning strategy and helped me improve in both online and live play.

When choosing the right poker tools for different game types, you need to match the tool’s features to the specific demands of the game. For Texas Hold’em, poker HUDs like PokerTracker and Holdem Manager are a must have, they give you real time stats to make informed decisions. For Pot Limit Omaha, equity calculators like Equilab are a must for complex hand scenarios and equity distribution. For tournament players, ICM calculators like ICMIZER 3 are a must for optimal push/fold decisions. Cash game players benefit from range analysis tools like Flopzilla which give you insights into your opponent’s hand range and improve your bluffing strategy. Advanced players who want to refine their Game Theory Optimal (GTO) strategy can use solvers like PioSOLVER and Simple GTO Trainer which give you detailed simulations and optimal play recommendations for different poker formats. By matching the right poker tools to the specific nuances of each game type, you can improve your strategy and overall performance at the tables.

Poker HUDs

A poker HUD (Heads-Up Display) is a software that overlays real time stats and information about your opponents on your online poker table. Imagine having a file on every player at the table right in front of you. HUDs give you a range of information, VPIP (voluntary put in pot), PFR (preflop raise), 3bet% (three-bet percentage). This data helps you to identify your opponent’s playing style, make better decisions and get an edge in online poker. Popular poker HUDs like PokerTracker, Holdem Manager and DriveHUD are a must have for any serious poker player who wants to crush the online poker tables.

Poker Table Management

Poker table management is the process of managing multiple online poker tables at the same time. For multi-tablers this can be a nightmare. Enter poker table management software, your new best friend at the online poker tables. These tools help you to manage your tables, prioritize your actions and make quick decisions. Features like automatic table sorting, customizable layouts and hotkeys for quick actions will keep you on top of your game even when you’re juggling multiple tables. With good poker table management you can focus more on strategy and less on logistics and make your online poker sessions smoother and more profitable.

Multi-Tabling Software

Multi-tabling software is designed to help you manage multiple online poker tables at the same time. If you want to increase your productivity and reduce distractions this is the tool for you. Multi-tabling software gives you features like automatic table sorting, customizable layouts and hotkeys for quick actions so you can make more decisions. Popular multi-tabling software like Jurojin, TableNinja and AutoHotkey will transform your online poker experience and help you to maintain a high win-rate and ROI. With these tools you can handle multiple tables with ease and turn a complex task into a simple one.

What is a Poker Tracker?

A poker tracker is software that tracks and analyzes your online poker sessions. It collects data on your performance, wins, losses and playing style and gives you detailed statistics and analysis. Imagine having a personal coach that reviews every hand you play and gives you insights and tells you where you can improve. Poker trackers can help you to identify patterns in your game, track your progress over time and make data driven decisions to improve your strategy. Many poker trackers also have features like hand replayers, range visualization and customizable HUDs so they are a must have for any serious poker player.

Poker software I use regularly

I started using poker tools and was blown away.

With these digital companions, I entered a realm where numbers revealed endless possibilities. Every calculation brought me closer to understanding my opponents. Equipped with solid stats, I played more intelligently, skillfully navigating the digital cards I received. These insights transformed ordinary games into thrilling strategic encounters.

The tools not only improved my decision-making; they reshaped my perspective on the game, offering clear and precise information that went beyond mere intuition. Each game, the data narrated stories of odds and learning, drawing me back for more.

Stats illuminated my opponents’ playing styles, allowing me to adapt and make more informed moves. I remained mindful of site rules regarding tool usage during games, as a good challenge is always enjoyable.

  • ->Analyze raw data
  • ->Provide valuable strategy tips
  • ->Reveal endless possibilities
  • ->Improve decision-making
  • ->Reshape perspective on the game
  • ->Narrate stories of odds and learning
  • ->Illuminate opponents’ playing styles
  • ->Adapt and make informed moves
  • ->Mindful of site rules regarding tool usage
Recommendation by

Use poker tools to gain intelligent insights. They transform your game into a strategy battle. Just make sure to check site rules on tools so you don’t get banned for being too clever, okay?

My key poker tools for success

Curious about improving my poker game, I organized my tools to meet various needs.

Equity calculators helped me determine the odds. Aces weren't just lucky; they were the result of carefully planned moves. HUDs revealed how my opponents played, utilizing numbers and stats. With metrics like VPIP and PFR, I could adjust my strategy to outsmart players who had previously been tough to read.

Hand analyzers transformed my losses into valuable lessons, aiding my improvement. They highlighted mistakes and identified what worked well.




Range analysis software provided insights into opponents' hands, turning guesses into informed bluffs.

It felt like having x-ray vision—who needs superpowers with these poker tools?

Recommendation by

Sort and use poker tools like equity calculators and HUDs to enhance your game. Go for data-driven moves and strategy, because guessing is completely outdated!

Poker tools connect with online play

Figuring out stats and strategy has become significantly easier with online platforms. Tools like PokerSnowie, Ask Fedor, and GTO Wizard have collaborated with major online poker sites such as PokerStars and GGPoker to enhance gameplay through analysis and coaching.

They fit in my game seamlessly. The PokerStars and GGPoker tools have made me faster at the table and everything feels normal. These tools work with the platforms like a well oiled machine. I didn’t have to enter data myself, I used real time HUD stats and auto hand histories from PokerTracker and Hold’em Manager.

Multitabling was a breeze, each table was part of my winning and learning journey. Tools like Holdem Manager and SessionLord made multitabling easy by automating data tasks so I could keep my winrate and ROI.

Even as a beginner these tools explained complex concepts and gave hands on learning in poker. This user friendly setup has improved my game a lot. Many people say these tools are good for learning.

Poker can teach you so much.

Recommendation by

Connect poker tools to online platforms to improve your game, multitabling and learn faster.

Which online Poker sites allow Poker tools?

Online poker can be confusing, especially when it comes to knowing which tools are allowed on which sites. While many poker sites allow certain tools to enhance gameplay, others have strict policies against them. Here’s a list of popular online poker sites and their stance on different tools:


PokerStars is one of the biggest and most popular online poker sites. They allow several poker tools including HUDs like PokerTracker and Holdem Manager as long as they don’t provide real time assistance or advice during play. PokerStars has a list of approved software so players can use tools that comply with their fair play guidelines.


GGPoker is another big player in the online poker world, known for its innovative features. They allow some tracking and analysis tools but prohibit real time assistance software. GGPoker promotes fair play and has a team to monitor the use of poker tools to ensure compliance with their rules.


888poker allows some poker tools but has strict guidelines to prevent any unfair advantage. Tools like equity calculators and hand analyzers are generally okay as long as they don’t interfere with live play. 888poker updates their policy regularly to adapt to new technology and fair play.


BetOnline is more relaxed with poker tools, allows many tracking and analysis software. But like other sites, they draw the line at real time assistance tools. BetOnline wants players to use tools that help them understand the game while keeping the competitive integrity of the site intact.

In summary, while many online poker sites allow tools to improve the player experience, they also have rules to ensure fair play. Players must know the specific rules of each site to avoid any violations. By knowing which tools are allowed, players can improve their online poker experience and comply with the site’s rules.

How to set up Poker Tools: A step by step guide

Setting up poker tools can be a big game changer for your online poker sessions. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, follow these steps to get the most out of your poker software and tools:

Step 1: Choose your Tools

First choose which poker tools you need. Whether it’s a poker tracker, equity calculator or poker HUD, make sure the tool fits your poker strategy and goals. Popular options are PokerTracker, Holdem Manager and Equilab.

Step 2: Download and Install

Once you’ve chosen your tools, download them from the official sites. Follow the installation instructions. Make sure your system meets the software requirements to avoid any technical issues.

Step 3: Setup

Once installed, open the software and setup the settings to your play style. For poker trackers, setup your HUD to display VPIP and PFR. Customize layouts and hotkeys for multi-tabling software to maximize efficiency.

Step 4: Import Hand Histories

Import your hand histories into the poker tool. This step is crucial for poker trackers and HUDs as it allows the software to analyze your past games and give you stats.

Step 5: Connect to Site

Make sure your poker tools are compatible with the online poker sites you play on. Connect the software to your accounts on sites like PokerStars or GGPoker. This will give you real time data during your poker sessions.

Step 6: Test the Setup

Before you start playing seriously, test the setup in a few practice sessions. Make sure the HUD is displaying correctly and the software is running smooth without any lags or crashes.

Step 7: Updates and Maintenance

Keep your poker tools updated to get the latest features and updates. Regular maintenance will ensure optimal performance and compatibility with the latest poker strategies and site updates.

Follow these steps and you’ll be setting up your poker tools in no time and turning your online poker into a strategic and data driven game. Enjoy the game and the edge at the table!

Pro Poker Players and Their Poker Tools

Even the top pros use poker tools in the world of professional poker. These tools aren’t just for beginners; they’re for anyone who wants to get an edge at the table. Let’s see how some of the pro’s use these tools.

Daniel Negreanu: The Numbers Guy

Daniel Negreanu, one of the most popular poker players out there, is known for his analytical approach to the game. He uses poker tracking software and solvers to analyze hand histories and fine tune his strategy. By using these tools he gets insights into his opponents’ tendencies and adjusts his game accordingly, so he stays ahead on the major online poker sites.

Phil Ivey: Game Theory Master

Phil Ivey, often considered the greatest poker player of all time, uses advanced game theory optimal (GTO) solvers to perfect his game. These tools allow him to simulate different scenarios and understand the optimal play in different situations. His mastery of GTO strategies, backed up by the latest poker software, has contributed to his poker career.

Liv Boeree: Science and Poker

Liv Boeree, a pro with a background in astrophysics, is known for her scientific approach to poker. She uses a combination of equity calculators and tracking software to make data driven decisions. These poker tools help Boeree calculate the probability of different outcomes so she can make informed decisions during high stakes games.

Fedor Holz: The Young Gun

Fedor Holz, a young poker prodigy, has made a name for himself by using technology in his game. He regularly uses poker HUDs and solvers to get real time insights into his opponents’ strategy. Holz’s ability to use these tools has been a big part of his rapid rise to the top in the poker world.

Vanessa Selbst: Strategic Genius

Vanessa Selbst, known for her aggressive play, uses poker tools to constantly innovate her strategy. By analyzing her poker sessions she finds patterns and adjusts her game to exploit her opponents’ weaknesses. Selbst’s use of poker tools has made her one of the best in the game.

These pro’s show that using the right poker tools can make a big difference to your game. Whether it’s analyzing hand histories, mastering GTO strategies or making data driven decisions, these tools give you valuable insights that can lead to success at the table. If you’re serious about improving your online poker experience then follow in the footsteps of these pros and use poker tools in your game.

Use poker tools to be the best

Looking back I can say poker tools have been a game changer for my online game. They’re not just tools, they’re my sidekicks, helping me with every hand and decision. Through them I’ve gained a better understanding of the balance between strategy and luck.

The best poker tools make online poker better by combining data with creativity and intelligence. They help me win but also understand the strategy behind every move, so I grow with every session.

Utilizing these tools can elevate your game, acting as digital mentors that guide you to new heights. If only they could actually deal the cards!

Recommendation by

Use poker tools as your go-to helpers on your path to becoming a pro. They enhance your strategy and let you enjoy the game more. Who knew getting good at poker could come with such cool companions? :)

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last updated 26 Jan 2025